Groupe / Band
The Anti Rubber Brain Factory
Musiciens / Musicians
Benoit Guenoun, Eric Dambrin, Florent Dupuit, Jean-Brice Godet, Jean-Michel Couchet, Jérôme Fouquet, Nicolas Souchal, Paul Wacrenier, Rafaël Koerner
Mar0kAït has been recorded in september 2016 and carries out, as the logical following of every preceding works of Arbf orchestra, a new panel in the artistic search between jazz and trance Moroccan traditional musics. The pieces here displayed are adapted from sound collections of popular works from Morocco: melodies, rhythms and structures remains almost identical as original versions but the whole thing is consciously and firmly sifted through western and improvised sound texture, inflections, intonations, aesthetic and know-how. This album is therefore intended to be an artistic and anachronic exercice in style which carries once more northern-african sonorities toward contemporary Parisian imagination where they are reverberated.
Our inspiration comes from this wide multicolored repertoire and we have endeavored to respect, to the best of our ability, the shapes, structures, rhythms and intentions that we can feel in this music and to reproduce them with what makes us musical beings.
« Et, oui, il y a ici du déséquilibre qui se respecte, qui se retient : jamais personne ne chute et le danger est ce qu’il y a de plus sidérant, de plus beau. »
Notes de Jazz – Michel Arcens
« 75 minutes de plaisir auditif au cours desquelles, tout en respectant mélodies, rythmes et structures d’origine, ils relisent les titres à travers le filtre de ce qui constitue leurs spécificités devenues désormais naturelles. Envoûtant et hypnotisant! »
Paris Move – Dominique Boulay
« L’ensemble est superbe, bien balancé. Une fois encore, la structure du morceau laisse à penser qu’il pourrait s’éterniser, n’avoir jamais de fin et tradition oblige, l’éternité se situe précisément à cet instant même. »
Culture Jazz –Théo Girard